Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Okay, I shall not lie, I am reading the Hunger Games books AGAIN! I just love those books! If you have not read need to go read it. Read it. read. it. 2 simple words:read it. Please!? I am just a crazed fan you is trying to get you to read the Hunger Games series! you can find them at any local bookstore or library. Please just...go read it! It is an amazing book! It is for the ages 12+. when you read the back you might be a little like, "OMG! Why would I read that?!" but trust me you will love it. The main character and narrator is a girl but boys can relate to this character very easily and you can easily relate to the 2nd main character even though he is a boy and you might be a girl, they are very relateble characters! SO GO READ THESE BOOKS! please! I beg of you!

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